On 29th July a statement was given by Afghan President Hamid karzai that “destroy the militant sanctuaries in Pakistan”, he has give suggestion that NATO should start operation inside Pakistan, Karzai further mention that training places of terrorism are out side of Afghanistan. This was not a first time when Afghanistan blamed Pakistan, before that several times afghan president had give these type of statement regarding Pakistan that Pakistan is safe heaven for Al-Qaida , and Pakistan’s tribal areas are shelter for terrorists. The attack on Indian embassy in Kabul was also blamed on ISI, while Pakistan is still denied. Current statement by Karzai was alarm for Pakistan, country also asked to ambassador in Kabul for clarification of that statement. Karzai suggestion for NATO operation inside Pakistan, is seem as Karzai neglected all efforts of Pakistan in global war on terror, in South Asian region no state effect by terrorism more than Pakistan, in WOT Pakistan also faced causalities, more than other US allies, suicide bombing in Pakistan start after military operation in tribal areas, even Pakistan’s ex-PM Benazir also target in suicide bomb. Pakistan’s military doing operation in tribal areas and Pakistani official know how to protect their state sovereignty, while Karzai’s suggestion of NATO operation was shocking, on one hand Pakistan trying to cooperate with Afghanistan for stability of Afghanistan, APTTA is an effort for stability in afghan region, while Karzai blamed Pakistan for instability in Afghanistan. US start operation in Afghanistan and Pakistan has to involve in WOT, because Pakistan share border with Afghanistan, Pakistan efforts to counter terrorism are more than from Afghanistan, and terrorist organization in tribal area linked with Afghanistan, Pakistani effecting from cross border terrorism, and instability in Pakistan is because of Afghanistan, rather than blaming Pakistan Mrs.Karzai should start cooperation, and appreciate Pakistan efforts in WOT. The Afghan government has claimed that “Pakistan is playing a double game, supplying a vital land route for NATO equipment into Afghanistan while tolerating the Taliban in and around the city of Quetta.” Pakistan’s officials said they did not know why Karzai has these types of statements, Pakistan and Afghanistan was ally in war against terrorism, both were cooperating US in WOT, but Karzai’s these statement can create environment of mistrust in both states.
Not only Karzai but also India blaming Pakistan for supporting terrorism and terrorist organization, Indian official also admit that factor that Pakistan is home of terrorists and tribal areas of Pakistan are home of terrorist while Pakistan’s authorities have asserted that India is involve in Baloch uprising against government. British PM Cameron also blamed Pakistan for supporting terrorism; he said that export of terrorism is from Pakistan, in joint press conference he argued that “ no one is in any doubt, least of all the Pakistani government themselves, that there has been and still are terrorist organizations like Lashker-e-Tayyaba and other that need to be cracked down on and eliminated,”. Cameron’s blame on Pakistan was disappointed for Pakistani nation, in WOT Pakistan is US ally, so Cameron should not blame Pakistan. In past Gordon Brown also made these type of statements that a majority of terror threat to Britain emerged from the border areas of Pakistan. These states several times blamed Pakistan that Pakistan territory is using for terrorism; while in India there are so much terrorist organization and Taliban are generate from Afghanistan, while in any event of in any terrorist attack on their soil they always blame on Pakistan. In military operation and drone attacks in Pakistan’s tribal areas many innocent people killed, Pakistan has paid huge cost of WOT. Operation in swat and than migration from Swat, suicide bombing in public areas, and target killing are enough evident to proof that Pakistan is also suffering from terrorism and fighting against terrorism, and not supporting terrorism. WOT also effect Pakistan’s economy, one reason of inflation in Pakistan is that Pakistan spending huge on military budget after 9/11, while in Afghanistan 50% of US aid, Karzai is using itself, all member of Karzai’s family is enjoying luxuries from US aid and spending little amount on country’s development, Karzai has no time pay attention on terrorism situation in Afghanistan but has enough time to criticize Pakistan. Indo-Afghan nexus in region is also threat to Pakistan, Islamabad argued that Pakistan is effecting from cross border terrorism and Indian consulates bordering Pakistan are involved in sponsoring terrorism on its soil; while both states are blaming Pakistan, we can say that India seeking good relation with Afghanistan only destabilizing Pakistan. As Karzai give suggestion of NATO operation in Pakistan’s territory, Pakistan should take serious measures rather than showing moderate behavior because it is not first time when Karzai blame us, Pakistan should stop Karzai from these comments because these statements making bad image of Pakistan on international level. Pakistan must negotiate with Karzai and Cameron over the clarification of these statements; Pakistan official through diplomatic channels must negotiate with these two leader, in that situation when Pakistan paying huge cost of terrorism in form of suicide bombing and target killing, other state should appreciate Pakistan’s efforts, US also negotiate and avoid both for these kinds of statements.
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